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Sharing Office Equipment for Remote Work and Learning

You’ve probably heard of “the new normal”, but if you’re working from home and sharing office equipment with kids who are learning virtually, it probably feels anything but normal. Here are a few tips to help make working, learning, and everyday pandemic life just a little bit easier.

Safe, Organized, and Sane

It’s not easy to stay safe, organized, and sane these days–but with remote working and learning happening all in the same place, it’s important to find creative solutions. Here are a few tips to get everyone in your office/school-room/kitchen off on the right foot!


  • Child-proof your device.

With all kinds of browser tools and device options, it’s easier than ever to make sure your remote learners stay focused on school.

  • Protect your network.

Depending on what office equipment you have at home, your network might be full of vulnerabilities. Make sure everything is password-protected and locked down, from printers to individual devices.


  • Create user accounts.

Suppose you’re a remote worker sharing a device with virtual learners. In that case, user accounts can help keep your company’s data safe from prying eyes or accidental deletion while helping keep kids focused and organized. It’s a win-win.

  • Stay in contact.

Communicate with bosses, teachers, and other people in your house. This is a learning curve for everyone so that a little communication can go a long way!


All of these changes and new expectations are hard on everyone. To keep kids and yourself on track, try these simple tips:

  • Set a schedule.

Scheduling your day can seem unnecessary when everything’s online, but knowing what to do and when is a great help when you or your little learners are low on motivation. Meetings, homework, lunch breaks–write it all out and make sure everyone’s on the same page.

  • Expect frustration.

From internet troubles to misplaced devices, remote learning and virtual work can be frustrating. Expect to be a little understanding, and the chances are that teachers and coworkers will understand too.

Are you looking for more tips? Need office equipment for virtual learning and remote work? Contact us today!