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Before You Switch Managed IT Providers

If you’re looking to switch managed IT providers, then you’re probably looking for something different. Whether you want different pricing, better customer service, or more customizable tools and solutions – it’s important to find that perfect fit! So before you make the switch, here are a few big questions to ask.

Big Questions

Here’s the most important thing to remember about managed IT services: it should be about you and your company. If a provider isn’t willing to learn your business inside and out, taking all the necessary time to understand who you are and what you need, then that provider will never be a good fit. You need someone who will be a partner in tech.

When you’re looking for that perfect partner in tech, ask yourself these big questions!

#1: “How do we want to communicate?”

Regular communication is a must when it comes to managed IT services. In fact, good providers will be available 24/7 to troubleshoot or answer your questions. Before making any choices, be sure to understand what good communication looks like to you–and then refuse to settle for anything less.

#2: “What will we need in the future?”

Managed IT isn’t just about now–it’s about later, too. Even if you can’t answer this question just yet, a partner in tech should be able to help you make plans, providing scalable services and solutions that keep up no matter where the future takes you.

#3: “What are our biggest security concerns?”

Security is a concern for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Understanding what worries you the most will help you select a managed IT provider whose prioritizes match your own–and, once you’ve made your choice, you’ll already know what you want to work on first.

Looking to switch managed IT providers? Not sure what to look for? Contact us today for all the help you need!