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Tag: Cloud Services Des Moines

disaster recovery

Invest Smart for Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery involves strategic security management efforts to protect data, information, and other business infrastructure from any possible disaster – from theft to flood. Disasters are always unexpected and can severely impact business operations at the time of the disaster and into the future. Disaster recovery is an essential business

people looking at computer screen

How to Smoothly Implement New Technology in the Workplace

Are you bringing in new workstations? What about a new software suite, or a better database? Bringing in new technology has historically been a challenge that requires planning, documentation, testing, and after-action feedback. Several things could go wrong on the technical side and the personal side, but proper preparation can

managed services

How Managed Services’ Innovation Will Benefit Your Business

Businesses of every shape and size are looking for practices and programs that will boost employee productivity and reduce operating costs. For many companies, hiring a manager to oversee this is unrealistic, since staffing another employee could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Over the years, many companies have developed