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Can Scanning Be Stress-Free?

Scanning itself doesn’t often strike fear into a company’s heart–but managing all those physical files certainly can. Luckily, there’s one little secret that can make scanning stress-free, and it may not be what you expect.

Making Scanning Work For You

Here’s the secret to scanning: It’s all about choosing the perfect scanner for your needs.

Although scanning is a solid solution, it can become unnecessarily complex if your machine doesn’t offer the right combination of functions and features. With the wrong device in your fleet, all those physical files could quickly become overwhelming–and suddenly, scanning feels like a chore instead of a solution.

To make scanning stress-free, choose a machine (or machines!) by asking yourself these questions:

  • “Does everyone scan?”

If you have a few designated scan experts on your team, you can probably make do with a small number of highly efficient devices. However, if everyone loves scanning, you might need to consider more compact models that can fit in each person’s workspace.

  • “How often do we scan?”

Do you scan all day and all night? (Okay, you probably don’t scan that much.) If your machine is likely to be in constant use, it’s important to choose a model that can hold up to all kinds of wear and tear.

  • “What do we scan?”

If you’ve got simple scanning needs–as in, your documents are all one-sided, and you’ve never met a paper bigger than 8.5×11″–you may not need all the bells and whistles. However, if you scan oversized, full-color, two-sided, bound, or otherwise-nontraditional files, you might need a machine that can handle a little more work.

  • “Where will our scanned data live?”

Scanners need to play nice with your other hardware and software. When shopping, look for something that connects to your network and can scan directly to email, cloud storage, or other everyday parts of your workflow.


Scanning can be stress-free–but only if you follow a few best practices, like choosing the best device for your needs. Luckily, by asking yourself a few questions like these, you can set your sights on a scanner that could make a big difference in your workflows.

Ready to see what stress-free scanning can do for you? Need help choosing the perfect machine? Contact us today!