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Tag: document scanning

Person's finger touching the search icon on a virtual display

Scanning FAQs: Do You Need a Multi-Page Scanner?

Scanning is a great solution–but could it be even better? Here’s how to know whether a multi-page scanner should be in your future! What Is Multi-Page Scanning? Maybe you have a scanning solution in place already, or perhaps you’ve been trying to choose one that’s right for you. Either way, it’s likely

Close up of machine that has the words scanning files on the display with a progress bar

Why You Need to Fully Commit to Scanning

If you’re unsure about a new business solution or change, it might seem sensible to commit partially at first. After all, you don’t want to waste time and resources on something that isn’t going to work in the end, right? Unfortunately, this approach can become like a self-fulfilling prophecy–because if

Pair of hands lifting the lid of a scanner and placing a document on it for scanning

3 Scanning Tips for Improved Efficiency

You probably know your scanning solutions are carrying a lot of weight–but did you know they can do even more? Here are three tips to help you maximize your scanning benefits! Big Scanning Tips Scanning has a lot of benefits for your business, from increased efficiency to improved security–but if you

Man seated looking at his laptop and using one hand to hold up a stack of full binders

How to Handle a Bulk Scanning Project

If you’re standing in front of a huge stack of documents (or maybe multiple) reaching almost as high as the ceiling, you’ve probably got some questions about how to digitize all this data. The good news is that you’re not alone when it comes to handling a bulk scanning project.

Medical professional with stethoscope around neck holding a large stack of documnets

How Scanning Helps Workers and Patients in Healthcare

Healthcare is a vital industry, which means it needs top-notch business solutions to support every need and challenge. As it turns out, scanning is the answer–and that’s because it can benefit both workers and patients. Sound too good to be true? Here’s a closer look! Scanning for Healthcare Scanning has a

Person holding smart phone and looking at a document

Security Updates That Could Impact Your Scanning Solutions

Do you use the scan-to-email feature on your scanner or multifunction device? If so, there’s an important new security update that might impact you. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you keep getting the most out of your scanning solutions. Scanning Security Updates Security is a constantly

Pair of hands lifting the lid of a scanner and placing a document on it for scanning

Scanning Solutions: Why Use Scan-to-Email Features?

Today’s scanning solutions are fast, smart, and full of possibilities. You don’t just capture a static image anymore; now, you can capture documents in different formats, store them in multiple places, and even send them to other software systems. Many scanning solutions even include scan-to-email features, which certainly deserve a

Business man scanning documents

What to Expect From Document Scanning

Don’t you wish every option in life had a handy guidebook–one that would tell you exactly what to expect and how a certain choice could impact you? Well, that may not be realistic in other areas, but the possibilities are endless when it comes to scanning. Here’s your quick guide

Hands holding up one, two, and three fingers

3 Ways to Use Scanning Solutions

It’s easy to hear the word “scanning” and get so distracted by the work itself that you forget why you actually started this journey in the first place. In fact, you’ve probably spent so much time looking for the right machine and crunching numbers that you may have forgotten the