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Healthcare Tools: Managed Print Services Helps Save Lives

It’s not every day you find a business solution that can help save lives, but that’s exactly what managed print services does in the healthcare industry. Sound too good to be true? Here’s a closer look!

Healthy Printers, Healthy Patients

Managed print services are all about organization, efficiency, and reliability–which makes it a perfect match for the healthcare industry. By providing tools that help to store, search, save, and share files in different formats and across different systems, managed print can unify data in any healthcare organization and make life easier for patients and employees alike.

Here’s how managed print helps save lives, one document at a time:

#1: It emphasizes organization.

Organization is key in the healthcare industry, especially when multiple doctors or organizations are involved. Managed print helps create consistent organization techniques across all file types to keep data in line. Documents will always be right where they belong–which means no wasted time or money.

#2: It improves print security.

Printers are often the #1 target of digital criminals, simply because many organizations fail to protect them. This is an especially pressing issue in the healthcare industry, where sensitive patient information is handled every day. Managed print helps identify weaknesses in security procedures and works with healthcare professionals to create targeted, concrete solutions that won’t interrupt day-to-day functions.

#3: It cuts costs.

Managed print helps make printing easier, stronger, and more effective–which, in turn, cuts down on waste and makes everything less expensive. This means less wasted money for organizations and patients.

#4: It boosts efficiency.

Better print environments lead to better workflows, which, in turn, leads to better healthcare. An efficient environment creates a better experience for everyone, allowing doctors to focus on their patients and patients to focus on their health.

That’s just a peek at what managed print does in the healthcare industry. What can it do for your business? Contact us today to find out!