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Managed Print Services Saves Money, and Here’s Proof

Ever wanted proof that managed print services does all the great things it says it can do? You’ve come to the right place! Today, we’ll let you watch with your very own eyes as managed print protects your budget. Let’s get started!

Managed Print Services in Action

Managed print services works in all kinds of ways. Some of its solutions are big and obvious–like, for example, cutting extra steps out of your workflows. Others, however, are subtle–like rearranging your fleet to optimize usage and print habits.

But if you’re trying to decide whether managed print is right for you, the chances are that you want to see proof right now. The good news is that the solution delivers, and it all comes down to simple tips.

That’s right: By using these managed print services tips in your print environment, you can see actual budget savings. Let’s take a look!

  • Don’t stop printing in color.

This one seems a little counterintuitive, but it’s an important practice. That’s because, while not always necessary, color printing is sometimes an important part of the job–and giving up on it entirely (for example, by choosing a black-and-white printer) might mean you’ll end up at the print shop.

  • Use digital signature tools.

When you can sign things digitally, you often don’t need to print them. When you don’t need to print, you don’t need to spend as much on ink, paper, and energy–and your budget will feel the difference.

  • Find a maintenance partner.

Managed print services providers generally handle repairs and maintenance as well as fleet optimization, workflow improvements, and more. With a partner on your side, you’ll utilize proactive maintenance measures instead of reactive ones, allowing you to catch little issues before they get big enough to waste money.


If you thought these tips were stress-free, simple, and totally within reach, just wait–there’s plenty more where that came from. Managed print services has all kinds of tips, tricks, and printing secrets–all you have to do is take that first step.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about managed print!