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3 Tips for Choosing a Multifunction Printer

Choosing a multifunction printer is a big responsibility. After all, you want to make a smart investment–but you also want a machine that will continue to be fast, effective, reliable, and powerful for years to come. How do you find that perfect fit? Here are a few tips to get you started!

Multifunction Printer Matchmaking

To find your perfect match in the multifunction printer world, you’ll need to do a little background research. This is where you learn more about printer terminology, the latest functions, and manufacturer reputation. Once you’ve got that information, you can act as a “matchmaker” for your company.

Here are three tips to help you find that perfect machine:

#1: Be savvy about budget.

Multifunction printers cost more than what’s listed on the price tag. You also need to consider energy, consumables, repairs, maintenance, and more.

However, that’s not the only budget consideration to keep in mind. You should also do the math to find out how much a multifunction printer will save you over its lifetime–for example, by keeping you out of the print shop. These calculations will help you understand exactly what impact this new machine will have on your bottom line.

#2: Think outside the box.

You’re probably familiar with your company’s current needs–but what about the future? Multifunction printers can adapt to changing work environments with ease, so it’s smart to find a make and model that will help your company grow.

#3: Consider what’s most important.

Which printer features are an absolute must? Speed? Capacity? Connectivity? Multifunction printers combine scan, fax, print, and copy capabilities, but they can do a whole lot more–so be sure to consider which features are vital for your company’s success and which are more like a luxury.


No matter what your “perfect match” looks like, there’s a multifunction printer to fit the bill. All you need to do is brush up on background information, consider your priorities, and remember to think outside the box–especially when it comes to budget.

Looking for a multifunction printer? Contact us today–we love playing matchmaker!