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How to Choose a Managed IT Services Provider

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to managed IT services, but perhaps the most important decision you’ll make is which provider to go with. That choice isn’t always easy–so here are a few tips to help you end up with a partner you can trust!

Understanding Managed IT Services Providers

What is a managed IT services provider, anyway?

A provider is a company that acts as your partner in tech. When you outsource your IT support, they’re the ones who take responsibility for issues big and small–which is why it’s so important to find a provider you trust.

Ideally, a provider should begin your relationship by performing an audit or analysis of your tech environment. That way, they have all the information they need to make recommendations, choose solutions, and help you overcome any specific pain points. This doesn’t mean they should “take over,” though. Remember, this is a partnership–so you should be able to make requests or changes whenever you want.

The Right Managed IT Services Provider

So, now you know what a managed IT services provider should look like–how do you find one that fits the bill? Here are a few things to look for:

#1: Reliability

Most managed IT providers say they’re reliable, but only some of them can back up this claim with facts. Look for providers with long histories and glowing testimonials to prove how reliable they are.

#2: Expertise

IT is complicated and fast-moving. The right provider will have expertise in a variety of tech fields, which means you’ll never get stuck with unanswered questions or problems no one can solve.

#3: A connection

Naturally, a managed IT services provider should be good at IT–but they also need to have a good connection with you. If they don’t communicate clearly or don’t seem friendly, they’re probably not the right partner for your company.

In conclusion, a managed IT services provider should be your partner in tech. To choose that partner, look for qualities like reliability and expertise–and don’t forget how important it is to have a real connection.

Want to learn more about managed IT services? Looking for the right provider? Contact us today!