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How Many Multifunction Printers Do You Need?

To create the multifunction printer fleet of your dreams, you’ll need to do a little homework. For example, what makes and models are best? What speed do you need? And–perhaps most importantly–how many printers do you need? Let’s find out!

Building Your Multifunction Printer Fleet

Multifunction printers are powerful, efficient, hardworking devices that fit perfectly into any workflow and every industry. They copy, print, fax, and scan, and they do it all with built-in security features to protect data while you work with it.

But more isn’t always merrier. Every business has an ideal number of multifunction printers; too few, and you’ll be scrambling to get work done–but too many, and your fleet, security, supplies, workflows, and budgets could quickly get out of hand.

Here’s how to find that perfect number.

  • #1: Consider your needs.

Do you need to print high volumes at high speeds? Multifunction printers can do that–but if you need to have several jobs going at once, it makes sense to have multiple machines. Take this into consideration when planning your fleet.

  • #2: Consider your layout.

Smaller offices may need fewer machines, as everyone would have easy access to the same one or two printers. However, large, multi-level office buildings may benefit from several devices–one for each team or area.

  • #3: Consider your budget.

Although multifunction printers are an efficient investment, there’s a point beyond which they become expensive to manage and maintain–and that point is when you’re practically overrun with printers. Make sure to consider your budget when finding the perfect number of multifunction printers–not just purchase price, but supplies, repairs, and maintenance, too.


There’s no single number of multifunction printers that will work for everyone. Finding your own number is up to you–but when you know what to consider, it’s a little easier to make this decision. Just remember to keep your company’s needs front and center!

Want to learn more about multifunction printers? Need help building your perfect fleet? Contact us today!