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Making the Grade: Managed Print for Schools

Schools are all about teaching, inspiring, and encouraging students–but who’s there to help the schools themselves “make the grade” when it comes to efficiency and environmental friendliness? The answer is simple: managed print!

The Power of Printing

Many schools don’t realize that they have an unbridled power just waiting to be utilized. That power is printing, and it can do a lot for your efficiency, security, productivity, and staff and student satisfaction–as long as it’s managed properly, that is. Printing left unchecked can quickly wreak havoc on just about everything, especially the budget. Luckily, that’s where managed print comes in. By helping schools understand their print environment, take control of their machines, and create simple but powerful workflows without any extra steps, managed print can help you get an A+ in printing.

A Closer Look

Let’s see just how managed print works in schools like yours!

  • #1: Better budgeting

School budgets are always changing, and more often than not, they’re pretty tight. Printing can’t be allowed to drain the bank. Managed print helps staff members understand where the money is going, which areas can be simplified or improved to be less expensive, and how to create better budgets for things like upgraded printers.

  • #2: Flexibility

Education changes a little bit every day. Managed print helps schools keep up with every change on the horizon, from fluctuating enrollment to financial challenges to new technology, all without cutting corners or costing too much. It also helps schools come up with a solid print foundation, so they can be flexible without changing every little detail.

  • #3: Organization

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by folders, filing cabinets, and stacks of papers lining the desks. With managed print, schools can change their habits to rely less on printing and more on digital communication, which means that the printers are used effectively and efficiently (and the stacks of paper get a little smaller every day!).

Ready to see what managed print can do for your school? Contact us today to get started!