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Is Managed IT Services Better Than In-House?

Ah, the age-old question: what is the best way to take care of your tech? Some companies prefer in-house teams and dedicated departments, while others are happy to put their machines in the hands of a reliable managed IT services provider. Which companies are right? Let’s find out!

Comparing IT Solutions

When it comes to safe, reliable, efficient technology, you only want the best. That’s why it makes sense to carefully compare your options and see which choices rise above the others.

For that reason, we’re taking a close look at both in-house and outsourced IT to find out which is better–and which is right for you.

Managed IT Services

What it is:Managed IT is the perfect way to outsource your tech troubles without giving up control.

What it does: Once you’ve chosen a provider, managed IT solutions begin to roll in–for example, 24/7 network monitoring or new digital communication tools. Managed IT is all about making your existing tech work better and upgrading it when necessary–all without breaking the bank.

In-House IT

What it is: An in-house IT department or an IT manager is the more traditional choice for juggling tech trouble–but “familiar” doesn’t always mean “better.”

What it does: It’s true that in-house IT is capable of fixing your problems at least some of the time. However, although in-house teams have the advantage of knowing you and your company right off the bat, the chances are that they won’t have all the tools, solutions, and expertise necessary to help your business achieve its goals. You’ll also have to pay salaries and benefits, which takes a toll on the budget.

The Winner

The clear winner here is managed IT services. With managed IT, you get the benefits of having a whole team of experts from all kinds of tech fields, while your in-house team is limited by the types of people who happened to see your ad. Managed IT is simple, efficient, and powerful. The best part is that it leaves you in control while taking over the little tasks (and helping with the big ones).

Ready to find out what managed IT can do for you? Still not convinced it’s better than in-house IT? Contact us to see for yourself!