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The Most Important Part of a Managed IT Contract

Once you’ve decided that managed IT services is a good fit, chosen that perfect provider, and prepared yourself to move forward on this new tech journey, you’ll be asked to sign a contract. You might think you know the most important part of this legally binding agreement–but you might be surprised. Read on to find out everything you need to know!

Greater Than the Sum of its Parts

A managed IT services contract is kind of like a roadmap for the future of your company’s tech. It helps you know what to expect as well as what’s expected of you–and it also protects you in case any questions or disputes arise.

Usually, a managed IT contract has a few critical parts:

  • terms,
  • important dates,
  • payment arrangements,
  • maintenance agreements,
  • explanations of offered services,
  • and legal information.

Looking at this list, you may not be entirely sure what the most crucial part is. After all, each of these elements is critical in protecting your business and creating a managed IT plan you can rely on.

While that may be true, the reality is that a managed IT contract’s most important part is its execution. This is where a contract becomes greater than the sum of its parts and delivers the promised services and benefits.

Managed IT contract execution looks like this:

Data backups

One of the first steps your new provider will take is creating data backups. These should be part of the services outlined in your contract because they’re a critical piece in the digital security puzzle.


A good managed IT contract will let you know what to expect from your provider in terms of data protection–including network scans, 24/7 monitoring, and regular updates to firewalls and security software.

Disaster recovery plans

As your contract is executed step-by-step, you’ll find that a disaster recovery plan falls into place. You’ll know what to do in case of a data emergency, how to prioritize devices and information, and how you can stay organized and efficient even in the face of disaster.

Want to learn more about managed IT services? Need to know how to read a managed IT contract? Contact us today!