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Prepare for the Worst with Document Scanning

There are plenty of great reasons for your business to adopt a document scanning solution. For starters, you can use your multifunction printers or Canon scanners to:

  • Scan and convert documents to a variety of formats, including Word, Excel, Searchable PDF, PowerPoint, etc.
  • Scan to existing folders on your network
  • Scan to cloud storage repositories like Google Drive, Evernote, Dropbox, and Picasa
  • Scan to document management systems

The benefits of scanning are substantial, with improved productivity, less time spent on paper-based processes, and fewer errors caused by manual data entry. But there’s another, perhaps even more important reason to begin scanning your documents.

The Disaster That Could Be Headed Your Way

There’s no doubt that scanning delivers substantial productivity gains, but another often overlooked benefit is its role in your disaster recovery plan. Here’s what we mean.

There’s one thing every disaster has in common with the rest—they rarely announce their arrival. Early warning systems give a few days’ notice at best, which is hardly enough even to begin the kind of disaster preparations that make a real difference.

Without resorting to scare tactics, planning for the inevitability of a catastrophic event is better than worrying or worse, shrugging it off. Disasters come in many forms, and your office doesn’t need to be in a hurricane zone to experience the devastation a broken water pipe can cause in just a few hours.

Scanning and backing up your documents is your company’s best bet for survival following a major disaster. Your tangible assets are insured and can be replaced, but your collective knowledge and documents cannot. With upwards of 60% of companies closing within two years of a catastrophic event, a disaster recovery plan is critical to your survival.

Are you ready for an unforeseen disaster? Don’t plan to be the next statistic—plan to be the next survivor instead. Contact us at MMIT Business Solutions to find out more today!