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Protecting Your Business from Phishing Attacks

Your business has most likely put a lot of energy into software to protect you from viruses. While viruses are easy to defend yourself from with the right software, phishing attacks are a bit trickier to thwart off.

A phishing scammer will use misleading tactics to obtain personal or business information. For example, many phishing scammers will send an email that looks similar to an email from a frequent business partner or service. They might ask an employee to verify information or payment methods and your staff members might not look at the details to see it’s a scam.

Phishing consequences can be severe, as scammers can gain access to accounts with the information they have stolen from you. From there, they might find access to higher networks and take even more sensitive information.

Here are some tips for protecting your company:

Email Policies

Most phishing attacks occur through emails, so developing a company email policy is essential, so employees know guidelines for emails:

  • Don’t use company email addresses for personal use
  • Update passwords twice per year
  • Report suspicious emails
  • Do not share company information via email

Educate Employees

Most employees don’t realize how vulnerable your business is to phishing attacks. Be sure to educate your employees on how to identify scammers:

  • Misleading or mismatched links
  • Poor grammar or spelling
  • Questions regarding personal information
  • Money requests
  • Unrealistic threats

Multiple Passwords

Passwords are one of the most common things for a phisher to steal. Misleading links will often require an employee to input passwords into a form that sends it straight to the scammer. Once they have an employee’s password, they can get into other accounts that have the same password.

This can be prevented by requiring your team to use different passwords for each work account they use. This will prevent phishers from getting access to all accounts because they have a password to one.

To learn more about how to protect your business from phishing attacks with Managed IT Services, contact MMIT Business Solutions Group today!