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Tag: scanning


How Does Scanning Save Money?

In a world full of fast, efficient, and tech-savvy business solutions, document scanning can often get overlooked–and that’s a real shame. After all, the truth is that scanning has all kinds of tricks up its sleeve for saving money, boosting efficiency, and making your company stronger and more customer-friendly than


Is Scanning Part of Your Disaster Recovery Plan?

Companies of all kinds spend a lot of time worrying about disaster recovery plans–and for a good reason. After all, there’s a lot to worry about, from floods and fires to hackers and malware. The good news, though, is that you can strengthen your disaster recovery plan with a straightforward

mobile documents

Become a Scanning Pro with the Perfect Scanner

Being a “scanning pro” is easier than you might think, especially using a Canon scanner. All you need is the right information, the right inspiration–and, of course, the right scanner. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making this big decision! A Good Investment Scanning can quickly

cloud scanning documents

Scanning Tips: What Belongs in the Cloud?

Cloud services are great for all kinds of things–security, communication, streamlining, and more. However, many companies aren’t always sure when and how to use the cloud in order to get the most use out of it. That’s why today’s scanning tips will focus on cloud storage and how to decide

scanning documents

Finding the Right Printer or Scanner for Your Business Needs

Staying up to date on technology does not just mean having the latest print device. It means making sure you have the best printer or scanner for your needs and your budget. Often that means a multifunction printer with faxing and document scanning capabilities. You might already have a great

scanning a book

Understanding the Many Benefits of Scanning Technology

While technology has opened new worlds of possibility for business owners, it has also brought with it new vocabulary. We know it can be challenging to keep up with the latest offering when you are not sure what everything means. Fear not, friends, we are here to help with this

cluttered desk

2 Methods for Decluttering Your Office

Most businesses deal with a significant amount of paperwork flowing throughout their office. Documents from customer forms to meeting agendas fill offices’ desks and file cabinets around the world, causing chaos for many business owners. To better organize your office, it is vital to create a strategic plan that enforces

scanning documents

Document Scanning for the Modern Business

Document scanning processes have evolved in the world of digital documents and cloud services. Modern scanning is an efficient process that will save your business time and money. If your business has yet to transition to modern document scanning, knowing where to start can be a difficult feat. We’ve put

woman sifting through papers

Document Scanning and Management for Government Organizations

Government agencies require some of the most effective organizational structures possible. They deal with sensitive documents like permits, certificates, licenses, and tax information. Document scanning and management is the most effective process for storing files properly. It is a productive method that allows employees to spend less time managing paperwork

go digital

Go Digital With Scanning

Has your company acquired a document scanning solution? Without scanning capabilities, there’s no avenue for capturing and reformatting hard copy documents into digital formats. With more and more organizations replacing paper processes with digital alternatives, businesses without scanning capabilities are missing out on some valuable opportunities. Scanning Categories All scanners