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Using a Managed Services Provider to Get you to the Cloud

No matter how out of touch with technology you are you’ve undoubtedly heard a term referencing the cloud, you might have even wondered what the cloud is. Simply put, the cloud is a way to outsource data storage and the actual processes of your computing to a server offsite that you access through the internet. It can provide many different benefits, efficiencies and cost savings, but only if implemented correctly. This is where your IT support provider comes in.

Expertise you Need at a Price you can Afford

A Managed Services provider will give you the benefits of a fully-staffed corporate IT department without any capital expenditure. Instead of investing thousands of dollars into hiring staff with various competencies and making sure they complement each other and satisfy your needs you can hire one company for a fixed monthly fee that has all of the experience and expertise you need. These companies will often have several cloud computing experts on hand to help you deploy your business and start realizing the savings.

Guard Against Disasters

One of the biggest improvements over your current IT workflow, when you switch to the cloud, will be the ability to protect yourself against disasters and data loss. Cloud computing exists on servers that operate offsite, and a component of all cloud-based systems is a backup process that will ensure your data is secure regardless of the disaster.

Email Hosting and Remote Monitoring

Deploying your on-site email server to the cloud can yield faster pull times and more features than your current server offers. Additionally, the ability to keep a continuous backup will always keep this important communication method up for your business. Remote monitoring will allow your managed service provider to maintain an eye on your network and put safeguards in place to protect your business from digital disasters.

Cloud computing and cloud services can be a huge benefit to your business even if you may not be sure how to use them. Take a look into IT managed services and get ahold of a reputable provider to help you realize these savings.

IT Support Des Moines