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Print Rules can Create Huge Savings

Your business’ printing might only account for a penny, or even fractions of a penny, per print so you might be skeptical to see any large sums of money coming from reducing your printing. Though, when you realize that industry research indicates that nearly half of all printed documents end up in the trash that skepticism might fade a little. You can streamline and build some efficiencies into your business by implementing print rules as a component of your Managed Print Services. Here are three ways managed print rules can save you real money:

1. Reduce duplicate printing

The fact is most documents are printed in numbers that are unnecessary and cost your business money. A system of print rules can reduce duplication of documents by reporting to the user that the document has already been printed to avoid unnecessary duplication. This is especially useful when a project affects more than one team member.

2. Print reports tell you where your money is going

Using print rules will allow you to access reports on your company’s printing habits. Here you can see which users are printing the most and take steps to assess the necessity of the prints. Being able to look at your print data will enable you to take action on a piece of your business cost that, before now, was largely a black box that you couldn’t access.

3. Print to the appropriate printer

In some cases, print rules can also be used as a print routing service as well. This technology will allow you to program your printer fleet to work together at detecting the best printer for the job when a print is initiated. This can be as simple as defaulting to black and white to routing to printers with different capabilities depending on the job requirements.

Printing doesn’t have to be a black box of costs any longer. With print rules and managed print solutions, you can take control of your printing costs and return some of that money to your bottom line. Give us a call today for an assessment of your printer needs and how we can help.