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What to Ask a Managed IT Provider

Managed services come in all shapes and sizes–document, print, IT services, you name it. They have a few things in common, like prioritizing security and designing their solutions to fit your unique company–but one thing you need to remember about all IT managed services is that they’re only as good as the provider you choose. With that in mind, here are some questions to ask a potential IT managed services provider!

Why Managed IT?

Despite being one of many managed services, managed IT is truly unique. It takes stock of your entire business, learning about who you are and what you do, and then gets even closer to understand how your IT infrastructure influences your business identity. Armed with this perspective and awe-inspiring attention to detail, a managed IT services provider can help you choose big-picture solutions and implement far-reaching changes, just by diagnosing and analyzing weak points in your IT processes. Technology is, in many ways, the heart of your company, and managed IT is the health plan that keeps it beating.

Big Questions

Here are some questions to ask a potential managed IT services provider!

#1: “Who are you?”

This is a broad question–and here, that’s a good thing. You want to learn who is on the managed IT team, what kind of experts you could have at your disposal, and how exactly the provider operates as a whole. You also want to learn how they think about and treat their clients–especially when it comes to customer service.

#2: “How do you approach IT issues?”

The answer you’re looking for here is “proactively.” If the provider doesn’t prioritize a good foundation and streamlined processes over basic damage control, then you know it’s probably not a good fit.

#3: “Can you help us grow?”

A managed IT provider should be able to choose tools and solutions that enable you to handle the increasing demands and new tasks that are associated with existing growth. Still, those tools and solutions should also help you grow even more. If it’s just about “keeping up,” then you might want to work with someone else.

Looking for a managed IT services provider who fits perfectly with your company? Contact us today to get started!