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Cybersecurity Systems

How Protected is Your Business from Cyber Attacks?

Man sitting at a desk looking at code on a monitor

A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy is a critical component of the success of any business; without this, organizations leave themselves open to countless security threats and risks. At MMIT we believe stringent security is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of your data. We understand the challenges that make it difficult to implement security services such as a lack of resources, departmental conflict needs, and the demands of managing daily operations.

How do you implement changes to go from reactive to proactive cybersecurity protection and mitigate your risks? Through our IT Security Services division, we employ best-in-class measures to build a comprehensive security strategy encompassing cybersecurity services, mobile protection and cloud backup and recovery. Partner with us to develop a complete security plan that aligns with your business goals.

Features and Benefits of Cybersecurity Services

Today’s workforce is more remote than ever. More employee locations and devices can often mean more opportunities for hacks and breaches. These vulnerabilities can compromise your company data, wreak havoc on your networks and lead to costly downtime.

What’s more, cyberthreats are constantly evolving, so you need a comprehensive cybersecurity approach to protect your business from today’s advanced cyber attacks. We offer companies sophisticated, multifaceted solutions to strengthen their cybersecurity on all fronts. We provide cybersecurity services to help your business with:

Information Technology (IT) Compliance

Regulations and federal mandates are a challenge for almost every organization and differ based on industry. Our consultants will review regulations and mandates specific to your industry to help meet your compliance needs to make significant improvements and help you to avoid costly data breach fines.

Email Security

Stop email and server attacks while concealing critical messaging gateways and email servers. Our secure email solutions work in the cloud to block over 99% of spam, malware, viruses, worms, phishing scams, spyware, ransomware and fraudulent emails outside your network. Securing emails means better overall cyber security for your business.

Patching & Endpoint Protection

Keep your systems current and running smoothly with patching IT security services provided by MMIT. We fix IT security vulnerabilities and other bugs affecting your programs.

Secure your servers and workstations from external risks, improving your IT security posture and user productivity, with our endpoint protection services.

Penetration Testing

Assessing your business’s security with strategic penetration testing is necessary to identify shortfalls, liabilities, and other areas for improvement. Through our dedicated penetration testing company we provide penetration testing that can help you learn where gaps may expose your company to IT risks.

24/7 Security

Our complete suite of advanced security services goes one step further in protecting your company from security threats. We provide a dedicated team of engineers for 24x7x365 support to assure you are at the forefront of security protection. By providing robust logs and remediation, we adhere to the strictest security guidelines to ensure your business is safe from threats.

Cybersecurity & Vulnerability Management

MMIT provides best-in-class virus protection, antivirus solutions, and cyber security services. Our vulnerability management services constantly monitor your IT system’s computer and network security for potential gaps and vulnerabilities. Once diagnosed, our team of IT experts crafts effective solutions to ensure your business is protected from security threats.

Cybersecurity Solutions from MMIT

Without a proper cybersecurity strategy, businesses can fall victim to countless cybersecurity threats. A well-done cybersecurity plan that not only protects in-house but is built for a more remote work environment is a critical component of any business. At MMIT, we have the knowledge and resources to build a cybersecurity strategy that is fit for businesses in Des Moines and Central Iowa.

Data & Device Security Solutions
Malware Protection
Security Compliance
Security Monitoring
Vulnerability Management
Managed Security Awareness Training
Managed Endpoint Detection & Response

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IT Security Solutions
in Des Moines & Central Iowa

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IT Security Solutions
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Security Compliance
Security Monitoring
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Managed Security Awareness Training
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Protect your digital world with our Cybersecurity solutions

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