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How the Cloud is Changing Education

Technology has changed the way we communicate, send, store, and share information. In fact, technology has been affecting our modes of communication for millennia—from the moment we began to augment our oral conversations with written words and symbols. From the pen to the printing press to the computer, technology has helped us tell stories and share ideas with increasingly sophisticated tools.

Did you know that one of the newest tools for sharing information is revolutionizing modern education? Read on to learn how the cloud is making education more accessible, more affordable, and more global than ever before.

Cloud Computing and Education

Education has always been an expensive endeavor, and the past few decades haven’t seen much improvement in making school more affordable and available to individuals. But the cloud could be an integral part of lowering the cost of education and putting it in the hands of more people.

Digital content has become commonplace in nearly every classroom, from smartboards to online course textbooks. This kind of content can make education accessible for people all around the world, even when they live in remote areas. Here are some of the ways cloud computing is revolutionizing the classroom.

  1. Goodbye textbooks? Textbooks are notoriously expensive, and students often feel burdened by the hefty price they have to pay for sometimes outdated content. The cloud can change that with much less expensive digital content.
  2. Updated information: Many students and schools are forced to use outdated textbooks because of the cost of purchasing new ones. Cloud computing can provide a way to keep updated information in the hands of teachers and students.
  3. Less hardware: The beauty of the cloud is that it can often be accessed and even managed through an internet browser, removing the necessity for expensive equipment in school districts or universities.

Cloud computing is truly the way of the future. If you’d like to learn more about how technology can improve your company, contact us.