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Tag: Document Management

document scanning

The Benefits of Scanning to the Cloud

If you’re like many of today’s growing companies, you’re scanning and digitizing your records and internal processes. Cloud computing combined with a document management system can be the catalyst to a nearly paperless office. If you’re considering the move to document scanning and digital workflows, you’ll need to decide between

document management

5 Paths to Efficiency with Document Management

The way your office handles documents is so important that it can make or break your business. Just ask anyone who’s been impacted by a security violation or lost out on a critical contract due to missing documentation. Process inefficiencies are serious matters, but the good news is you don’t

document management

4 Document Management Benefits for the Agricultural Office

The agricultural industry is no different than any other when it comes to managing paperwork. Like every other sector, business processes center around documents, and all of them must be managed properly to keep costs down and projects moving in the right direction. Here’s how agricultural offices can benefit from

Close up of businessman's hand holding a small figure of a man

Are You Going Digital?

If you’re running a small to medium-sized business and you’re not taking advantage of all that today’s technology has to offer, you’re at risk of losing out to your competition. Modern business is technology-driven, not because that’s a trendy way to operate, but because without it, you’re unable to function

Mobile Device with a Security lock on it

The Most Common Security Mistakes: Are You Making Them?

There are few areas where you can afford to make mistakes less than in security. Business security is in the news constantly it seems with big breaches happening on the regular. If large companies like Sony and Target aren’t immune, how can you assume your company isn’t susceptible to these

Cloud Security

Cloud Security: What to Ask Your Service Provider

There are a whole host of questions you should ask before you sign a managed services contract, especially if you’re concerned about security. When it comes to cloud security, you have every reason to be nosy: it’s vital that you protect your business data and ensure that your information will

Employee holding a tablet

How the Cloud is Changing Education

Technology has changed the way we communicate, send, store, and share information. In fact, technology has been affecting our modes of communication for millennia—from the moment we began to augment our oral conversations with written words and symbols. From the pen to the printing press to the computer, technology has

Tech Trends

Reviewing the Tech Trends of 2016

As we begin 2017, it’s worthwhile to look over some of the trends that stuck out in 2016. Particularly in the world of finance and banking, technology has become an ever-present tool that connects customers and institutions in new ways. These are the tech trends we saw in the banking


Is Your Cloud Migration Secure?

Businesses are migrating en masse to the cloud these days, and the transition comes with some significant benefits. Some companies are achieving that mystical goal of one “single source of truth”—in other words, a single warehouse for every piece of data that was previously scattered across your company’s discreet devices,