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5 Paths to Efficiency with Document Management

The way your office handles documents is so important that it can make or break your business. Just ask anyone who’s been impacted by a security violation or lost out on a critical contract due to missing documentation.

Process inefficiencies are serious matters, but the good news is you don’t need to figure them out on your own. Here’s how document management tackles the problem of document-related workflow deficiencies, one issue at a time.

1. Productivity

The average office employee devotes nearly half of their time dealing with documents. Document management replaces the office paper shuffle with streamlined digital workflow solutions, making your documents faster and easier to file, retrieve, and distribute.

2. Collaboration

Email is a notoriously inefficient way for employees to collaborate. A document management solution lets your staff collaborate in real-time with no concerns about missing or outdated information.

3. Version control

Back to #2. Recent surveys reveal that employees rely on email to share documents as often as six times a day. What are the odds that someone is working with outdated information? Document management deploys version control solutions that show who accessed a document, what changes occurred, and when everything happened. Throughout the entire process, the integrity of the original document remains intact so that no information is lost during collaboration.

4. Cost control

Managing paper documents is a costly undertaking, and the labor alone can cost your organization nearly $20,000 in a year’s time. Take back that lost time and money by bypassing paper in favor of electronic document management.

5. Turnaround time

How would like to shave a week off your next project? Instead of chasing people around to sign paper contracts, clinch the deal with electronic signatures.

Ready to start saving time and money? Contact us at MMIT to learn more about document management today!