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Banish Paper Clutter with Scanning

“Don’t own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.” —Wendell Berry

Burning down your office may be one way to deal with clutter, but we don’t recommend it. If you’re having trouble keeping your daily business processes on track, maybe clutter is derailing your good intentions. Here’s what we suggest to get things moving in the right direction.

Make time for decluttering.

Growing a business takes time, and there’s little of it left over for attacking office clutter. The payoff can be huge, however, and ignoring the problem only makes things worse. Fortunately, you don’t need to take a week off to begin making progress.

  • Declutter for 20 minutes each morning and afternoon. Use a timer to stay on track.
  • When you leave the office in the evening, grab ten things to toss or give away.
  • Finish every decluttering session by deciding what to do with each item, then follow through to avoid making new piles.
  • Make a pact not to bring new things into your office without letting something else go.

Try document scanning.

Paper may be critical to your daily processes, but allowing it to get out of control can have a devastating impact on your business. Scanning your documents into a document management solution gives you a tool to control paper instead of letting it control you. Here are the core benefits of scanning:

  • Find it fast. Lost paperwork is no joke. Scanning your information into a document management system means it’s always in the same place.
  • Save money. Digital documents don’t require the same resources as hard copies. If you can bypass the printing process, that’s more money to grow your business.
  • Reclaim your office space. Paper places too many demands on your office space. Kick paper out the door with document scanning.

An organized office is the first step to productivity. To learn more about the benefits of scanning or our inventory of Canon scanners, get in touch with us at MMIT today!

Canon Des Moines