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How Managed IT Can Protect your Business

According to an oft-quoted statistic, 40 percent of businesses that experience a serious IT failure within the first year go out of business. While this might seem like a scare tactic or small businesses urban legend, IT security is essential to the success of your business, regardless of size or industry. And, the best way to safeguard your venture is through managed IT services.

Navigating Ever-Changing Technology

When it comes to technology, most business leaders have a basic understanding of things. What they don’t possess is an in-depth knowledge of all things IT related. Nor do they have the time or resources to devote to it. Tech waters run deep, and it can be challenging to keep your business secure in today’s ever-changing techno landscape.

Outsourcing with Confidence

With IT services you don’t have to worry about that. Managed IT can cover everything from network design and setup, remote monitoring, cloud-based services, print management solutions, and more. Outsourcing your IT to a managed service provider means you have a dedicated team of IT support experts designated to keeping your business secure and running efficiently. Rather than worrying about how your business can survive without a functioning network, you can focus on actually running your business while we focus on your tech systems.

Partnering with Experts

Perhaps you have an excellent in-house IT staff. Great! No need to put them out of a job. With managed IT services you can outsource some of all of your IT operations. We can partner with your in-house professionals as needed. This is an excellent option for small-to-mid-sized businesses who lack access to a full team of experts. By outsourcing some of your technology and security protocols, you get the best of both worlds — an on-site pro who can liaise with a team of high-level gurus.

Tailoring Your Solution

While managed IT services are customizable to your company, be sure to lay out your specific needs and expectations. Having open communication with your service provider is essential to ensuring that your goals are met. Whether you need the full suite of IT services or only to fill some security gaps, you can expect ongoing monitoring and problem resolution, help desk services, network management and support, and more.

Contact us for more information on how to protect your business with managed IT services.