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How Managed Print Helps Businesses Overcome Security Threats

Most business security plans include robust strategies for protecting networked computers and smartphones. However, it’s taking more time than it should for decision-makers to include networked printers in their security strategies.

Printers are everywhere, and it’s impossible to know just how many are connected to networks. Experts agree that the hundreds of millions of printers and copiers that are common in offices across the world are ripe for takeover.

Are You Safe?

Hackers know that gaining control of your printers is the first step toward gaining control of your networks and then your data. Here are a few sobering facts:

Fact #1: Businesses often wait until their printers fail to address security concerns. That old printer in the corner may still crank out documents, but it may an open window for hackers to steal your company’s information. Instead of waiting for your printers to fail so you can get just a little more value from your investment, contact a managed print services provider now to schedule an upgrade. You’ll have peace of mind and access to the security solutions you need to protect your network.

Fact #2: Even new printers may not be protected. Your printer may be a recent purchase, but if you’re managing your fleet on your own, there may be security features you’ve overlooked. Managed print providers have the tools to search out vulnerabilities and help you correct them before it’s too late.

Fact #3: Less than 2% of the world’s networked printers have up-to-date security solutions in place. To say that we’re in trouble is an understatement. Hackers are working around the clock looking for unprotected printers to gain access to millions of documents and dollars. How safe is your business?

You can overcome the security risks caused by an unmanaged print infrastructure. Contact MMIT Business Solutions for a Managed Print Services assessment before it’s too late.