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Managed IT Services: How to Switch Providers

Let’s say you’re already set up with managed IT services. You’ve chosen a provider, and everything is going great–until it’s not. Maybe they’re failing to keep the promises they made during the sale, or maybe they just aren’t communicating in a way that works for you. Whatever the issue, it’s time to make a switch–and here’s how to pull it off.

Switching Managed IT Services Providers

The good news about managed IT services is that it can often be improved by switching to a better provider. That means you can maximize your investment and see new benefits just by choosing a partner who cares more about your business.

But how does this switch take place? Here’s how it works:

#1: Check your contract.

What did you agree to when you were first signing on with your current provider? You’ll need to know your responsibilities and how to get out of the contract.

#2: Choose your new provider.

Every potential provider should have a conversation with you to find out what’s working and what isn’t. That way, they can tell you exactly what they’ll do differently to help you get the results you want.

#3: Notify your current provider.

While you’re choosing a new partner, you should let the existing provider know what’s happening. This helps you simplify the transition and address any hurdles that could come up if you wait until the last minute.

#4: Complete a contract.

If the potential provider seems like a good fit, it’s time to draft and sign a contract. Remember to read the fine print so you know exactly what’s being offered, what the fees are, and what to expect.

#5: Start your new service.

Now that everything’s set, it’s time to see your new managed IT services provider in action. They’ll start by learning more about your business; then they’ll jump in and pick up where your previous provider left off. Depending on the state of your IT environment, they might need to “clean up after” your old provider, or they might be able to make small adjustments to show better results.


It doesn’t have to be difficult to switch managed IT services providers. In fact, it can be great news for your business–especially if the new partner is ready to collaborate in all the ways that make the most sense for your workflow. That’s why it’s important to do your research and choose a provider who really clicks.

Are you looking for a new managed IT services provider? Contact us today to start making the switch!