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Managed IT Services: Tips for Choosing a Provider

If you’ve decided that managed IT services are a great fit for your business, congratulations! You’ve just taken a big step toward better security, communication, and efficiency in your business. Now there’s just one thing left to do: choose a provider.

Does it Matter?

Some companies aren’t sure exactly what role a provider plays in the managed IT services process, other than literally providing the service itself.

In truth, a provider can make or break the managed IT experience–which means it’s especially important to find the right one to work with. For example, if you choose a provider who isn’t interested in creating a partnership, you could end up with solutions that aren’t a good fit for your company, while a good provider will take the time getting to know your unique needs and challenges.

Quick Tips

So, now that you know how important a managed IT services provider can be, how do you choose a good one? Here are a few quick tips!

#1: Look for expertise.

This one’s twofold. Firstly, you want a provider who has been in the business long enough to be comfortable and confident. Secondly, you want a provider who is well-versed in multiple technology fields to answer just about every question you’ll ever have.

#2: Ask about flexibility.

Ask the provider how flexible they are. This is a big one because a flexible provider will be able to keep up with changing tech and make quick changes the moment that something isn’t working in your business, rather than being limited to one approach or set of tools.

#3: Prioritize proactive solutions.

A great managed IT provider won’t wait until the fire is raging to put it out; instead, they’ll work with you to make sure fires don’t start at all. Proactive solutions are a huge part of managed IT, so make sure they’re at the forefront of your mind!

Want to learn more about managed IT services or are you ready for a great provider? Contact us today!