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Managed Print in the Education System

There are few things more important than a good education for kids, and there are few things more important than good solutions for schools. Believe it or not, there’s one thing that can be an answer to both: managed print!

Smart Printing

At first glance, managed print may seem like a solution for corporations, as if it belongs somewhere with cubicles and tiny potted plants on each desk–but that’s not the case.

Managed print is great for industries of all shapes and sizes, meaning that it’s just as comfortable in cubicles as it is in the classroom. That’s because managed print is all about customization, meaning that every detail, solution, and tool will be defined by a school’s unique needs and challenges.

How it Works

Sound too good to be true? Here are a few ways managed print adapts to each school and helps make education a breeze!

  • Cost

Schools are often operating on a tight budget, and printing without management or control can really hurt that bottom line. Managed print helps schools understand where their money is going and why, and then it helps find ways to spend that money more effectively–all without cutting corners.

  • Color

Creativity shouldn’t be limited just because resources are. Managed print makes it easier to understand when color printing is cost-effective and when it isn’t–that way, schools can plan projects without worrying about print problems.

  • Carbon footprint

Teaching by example is important, especially when it comes to environmental friendliness. With managed print, schools can set a good example for their students by finding cost-effective, savvy ways to go green with their printers, print habits, and consumables like toner and paper.

Want to learn more about managed print in and out of the classroom? Contact us today!