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Managed IT: Ask Your Provider About Security

Managed IT services should be all about security, but the truth is that not all providers are created equal in this regard. Here are a few questions to ask your provider to make sure that your company, your data, and your devices are as safe as possible!

What to Ask

If you have a good relationship with your managed IT services provider, it should be easy to ask about security. If not, though, you might be wondering how to decide whether or not your provider is doing enough to protect you–and the answer is simple: ask questions. It’s important to understand the choices being made for your company and the steps being taken to defend your data.

Here are a few questions to get you started!

“Are you keeping up with the latest threats?”

One of the most important steps a managed IT provider can take is to educate themselves about what they’re up against. Digital threats are constantly advancing, and if your provider wants to keep you safe, they should be able to tell you what’s new in the world of scams, malware, and online threats.

“Is our network really being monitored 24/7?”

24/7 monitoring is a great way to catch any irregularities in your network that might suggest a breach. However, if your provider isn’t offering this or promised it but isn’t being consistent, you could have a problem.

“Do we have safety nets in place?”

Managed IT services are all about giving you peace of mind, so there should always be security “safety nets” in place–for example, data backups and encryption, which would protect you in case of a breach.

Concerned about security? Looking for an IT services provider who can protect what matters? Contact us today!