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Reign in Print Volumes with Managed Print

Unchecked printing habits can wreak havoc on budgets, but many business leaders have no idea of their true impact. Managed Print Services is an effective solution to reign in printing waste and reduce overall costs by as much as 30%. Here’s how a managed print strategy can put an end to your wasteful print environment.

1. Find Out Where You Stand

An assessment of your current situation is critical to managed print success. Find out hidden metrics like:

  • How many documents does your staff print in a month’s time? Which departments have the highest volumes?
  • How much do you spend to maintain your devices?
  • How much are you spending on consumables? Who is in charge of ordering them? Who manages your inventories?
  • Are hidden costs impacting your bottom line?
  • How many devices do you own? Where are they located? How long is their serviceable life?
  • How often does downtime impact your workflows?

2. Implement Workable Solutions

After the initial assessment period, your managed print provider will begin providing solutions to optimize your print environment and reduce costs.

If your print volumes are higher than they should be, Rules-Based Printing can help reign them in.

  • Duplex printing: Many multifunction systems include a default option that allows users to choose automatic duplexing or two-sided printing. This simple step can reduce by 50% the paper requirements for any document longer than one page.
  • Increased visibility: Find out what’s going on in your print environment by tracking print volumes.
  • Assign quotas: Once you know who’s printing what and why you can assign print budgets and quotas.
  • Ramp up security: An unmanaged print environment is rarely secure. Print-related security protocols can help plug any potential leaks coming from your devices and user printing habits.

To learn more about a managed print solution from MMIT Business Solutions, get in touch with us today!