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Simple Scanning for Small Businesses

Just because your business is small doesn’t mean your stacks of paper are small too! If you’ve been looking for ways to digitize those documents, but aren’t sure where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know to keep scanning simple for your small business!

How to Start Scanning

Document Scanning isn’t necessarily difficult, but it can be intimidating. After all, you’ve probably got a lot of documents to scan–which means that organizing, securing, and storing those files could be a lot of work, even once they’re digitized.

Luckily, you don’t have to put scanning off for another day. Instead, roll up your sleeves and get scanning by taking it one step at a time!

Step One: Make a list.

Your first step should always be making a list. Why? Well, the truth is that files are a lot easier to manage when you know what you’re working with–so instead of jumping in blind, make sure you know what you’ve got.

Step Two: Organize.

Now that you have your list, it’s time to organize it. That’s right–you’ll be organized before you even start scanning. This makes it easier to keep those files in line once they’re digitized.

Here are a few ways to organize files:

  • by type,
  • by date,
  • by keywords,
  • by content,
  • or by frequency of use.

Remember, as you’re organizing, you can shred files you don’t need–that way, you won’t have to waste time scanning them.

Step Three: Assemble your team.

Small businesses can hardly afford the luxury of a dedicated scanning team, but you do have hardworking employees who want to help streamline workflows–so put them to good use. Assemble a team and delegate responsibilities, so no one feels overwhelmed.

Step Four: Take your time.

You’re ready to start scanning! Go ahead and jump in–but remember, you don’t need to do everything at once. Take your time, be savvy, and don’t let the little things slow you down.


Although scanning can be a big job for small businesses, it’s also a worthy one. If you’ve hesitated to begin scanning because you aren’t sure how to jump in, remember to make a list, get organized, assemble a strong team, and, of course, take your time. Soon you’ll be a scanning pro!

Looking for Canon scanners that fit small businesses? We’re here to help. Contact us today!