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Tag: Document Security

Employees sitting around a conference room desk

Are You Keeping Your Documents Secure on the Cloud?

Many businesses are turning to the cloud to maximize productivity and take advantage of today’s technologies. But if you’re using the cloud today, you could be jeopardizing your company’s data security without realizing it if you’re falling prey to some of these common mistakes. Read on to learn if you’re

Mobile Device with a Security lock on it

The Most Common Security Mistakes: Are You Making Them?

There are few areas where you can afford to make mistakes less than in security. Business security is in the news constantly it seems with big breaches happening on the regular. If large companies like Sony and Target aren’t immune, how can you assume your company isn’t susceptible to these

Disaster Recovery Plan

How to Make Disaster Recovery a Part of Your Plan

We’re now well into the first few months of 2017, and with this new year, many companies are setting their IT budgets. As you make your strategic plans for the year, it’s vital that you consider a disaster recovery plan. A disaster recovery plan can seem like a daunting task,

Employee holding a tablet

How the Cloud is Changing Education

Technology has changed the way we communicate, send, store, and share information. In fact, technology has been affecting our modes of communication for millennia—from the moment we began to augment our oral conversations with written words and symbols. From the pen to the printing press to the computer, technology has

cloud services

Two Steps to Secure Documents

In today’s business world, it’s nearly impossible to operate a company without relying on information networks. The internet has become an integral part of how companies communicate internally and with customers, and without your network, your production comes to a screeching halt. And yet, too many companies leave their systems


Is Your Cloud Migration Secure?

Businesses are migrating en masse to the cloud these days, and the transition comes with some significant benefits. Some companies are achieving that mystical goal of one “single source of truth”—in other words, a single warehouse for every piece of data that was previously scattered across your company’s discreet devices,