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Are You Keeping Your Documents Secure on the Cloud?

Many businesses are turning to the cloud to maximize productivity and take advantage of today’s technologies. But if you’re using the cloud today, you could be jeopardizing your company’s data security without realizing it if you’re falling prey to some of these common mistakes. Read on to learn if you’re using the cloud in a way that could make your business more vulnerable.

Are You Compromising Your Security?

The cloud is just like a storage company—you can rent a unit from a provider, and they’ll hand over the keys and say, “Good luck.” In this analogy, it becomes apparent that there are security needs that your provider will handle and some that you will be responsible for. Sure, your provider will make sure there are surveillance cameras and a locking gate to the compound, but if you leave your unit unlocked, you’re responsible for a loss.

A cloud-based document management system works in a similar way. Although your services provider will give you some level of security, you and your employees need to stay vigilant. Here are some of the common security mistakes that companies make—and how to avoid them.

  1. Complacency: IT experts are well aware that the number one reason employees end up causing security problems is complacency. It may seem like your company would be the last to be hacked, but it can (and does) happen to anyone, particularly because personal data is so valuable. Don’t ignore update reminders or use weak passwords. Don’t let your technology get too outdated to be secure. Don’t become complacent.
  2. Lack of information: Many companies simply don’t have the knowledge they need to keep their cloud data safe. Make sure you understand how to use your service and that you’re asking the experts when you’re unsure.
  3. Document transfer carelessness: Sure, your document is safe in their electronic “home,” but what about when they’re in transit? Be aware of your network security, email security, and other factors when you’re sharing documents from your document management system.

For more information about the cloud and document management, contact us today.