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Tag: Managed Print Services

managed print services

Non-Profits Need Managed Print Services: Here’s Why

Non-profit work is inspiring, meaningful, and worthwhile. It also comes with a unique set of challenges that other organizations don’t face as acutely. Nothing shows this more clearly than the pressure non-profit organizations feel to run on a tight budget, sometimes squeezing every last penny out of donations to make

Person putting coins into a piggy bank

Print Rules can Create Huge Savings

Your business’ printing might only account for a penny, or even fractions of a penny, per print so you might be skeptical to see any large sums of money coming from reducing your printing. Though, when you realize that industry research indicates that nearly half of all printed documents end

Managed Network Services

Using a Managed Services Provider to Get you to the Cloud

No matter how out of touch with technology you are you’ve undoubtedly heard a term referencing the cloud, you might have even wondered what the cloud is. Simply put, the cloud is a way to outsource data storage and the actual processes of your computing to a server offsite that

Managed Print

Why do You Need Managed Print?

As a business owner or manager, you always have to weigh your options. You may hear about an investment or service that could benefit your business in a big way, but what about the ROI? How does the investment measure up to the return? These are all questions we’ll answer

Managed Print Services

Managed Print & The Healthcare System

Working in the healthcare system provides employees of all kinds with high-risk, high-pressure decisions to make with very short amounts of time. No one day is the same, everyone is on their feet, going, going, going, and when it comes to printing something, the last thing your employees are thinking