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Non-Profits Need Managed Print Services: Here’s Why

Non-profit work is inspiring, meaningful, and worthwhile. It also comes with a unique set of challenges that other organizations don’t face as acutely. Nothing shows this more clearly than the pressure non-profit organizations feel to run on a tight budget, sometimes squeezing every last penny out of donations to make big dreams and great things happen. If your non-profit is looking for another area to cut back costs, consider taking a closer look at how you manage your print environment.

Managed Print Services for Non-Profits

Maybe when you read the phrase “managed your print environment,” you thought, Well, we don’t manage our printer environment. This is typical in many organizations, and particularly in non-profits. Who has time to devote staff hours to planning, strategizing, and maintaining your print environment?

But without this kind of monitoring, your printers and supplies are probably cost you way too much. Printing is a necessary part of the office world, particularly when you need to communicate with clients and donors on a regular basis through newsletters, flyers, brochures, and posters. Without a steady hand at the helm, your print environment could become a drain on your organization’s finances with the potential to squeeze your budget even tighter.

Managed print services can help with this. Here’s how: – Predict and lower costs through consolidating all print supply ordering and maintenance – Strategize and right-size your fleet for optimal usability, making sure you’re getting every ounce of productivity out of your machines – Implement common-sense policies to control printing, eliminating wasteful or mindless printing practices – Achieve cost reductions of around 30% or more

With managed print services, you can turn your print environment into a money-maker, not a money-taker. Contact us to learn more.