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Take Back Your Classroom with Remark OMR Software

There are a lot of things in educational institutions that are old—some of them are old for a good reason. History books, well-loved classic novels, and time-honored art all get better with age. But something that doesn’t get better with age is technology, and schools tend to be among the top offenders when it comes to outdated technology.

The thing is, there’s a reason for this, too: many educational institutions are running with an ever-tightening budget, and new technology just seems like an impossible expense. But when it comes to investing in tools that let teachers do more teaching and improves overall outcomes, it’s certainly worthwhile. Remark Office OMR is that kind of solution.

Remark Office OMR

Remark is a data collection and analysis software that users can apply for surveys, tests, and other plain-paper forms. Unlike outdated technology, you don’t need specialized machines or clunky hardware to use with Remark Test Grading Edition—all you need is an image scanner or a multifunction printer (MFP). With your software and the devices you use every day in the school office, you’ll be ready to revolutionize your test grading.

Here’s what you need to know about Remark.

  • It’s popular and growing: With over 75,000 customers in 130+ countries, Remark is the world’s most popular OMR software, and it has a world-class customer support team to back it up.
  • It’s ready to handle your OMR forms: Remark is designed specifically to tackle the challenges of OMR (Optical Mark Recognition or “fill in the bubble”) documents and is equipped to handle multiple marks, damaged forms, cross-outs, and other anomalies.
  • It makes data management easy: You can customize graded responses to students, export raw data in over a dozen formats, and develop detailed reports to track results.

To learn more about Remark OMR software, contact us.