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How Document Management Helps CPA Offices Manage Information

CPA offices know what it’s like to manage thousands of critical documents. They also know what’s at risk if one of them goes missing, even temporarily. The methods CPA offices use to manage and store documents are changing rapidly, and accounting firms who want to keep pace with customer expectations and compliance mandates are embracing electronic document management solutions.

Managing Accounting Data With Document Management

CPA offices can realize improved document control, lowered costs, fewer compliance-related issues, and an overall uptick in productivity with electronic document management. Here’s how:

  1. Improved business processes and staff productivity. Your CPA office is the first place clients call when they need help locating critical tax documents or other financial information. Paper-based storage solutions require searching through filing cabinets or even off-site storage facilities. Workflow solutions like digital document management put critical client files just a few clicks away. Not only will your customers be happier, but your staff will have the tools and the time they need to resolve inquiries quickly and with greater accuracy.

  2. Better preparation for audits. Paper-based audits are always time-consuming and overly complicated, with auditors and CPA staff shuffling paper and searching through filing cabinets and banker’s boxes to find needed documents. Document management solutions make audits smoother and far less likely to interrupt your workflows. When documents are just a few clicks away, the entire process improves.

  3. Improved compliance. CPA offices must maintain mandated confidentiality standards, but paper is notoriously difficult to track. Who has viewed a document and when? Document management systems provide the required audit trails, with accurate records of who accessed financial documents, when, and what actions were taken.

Your CPA office’s ability to control information is only as good as your document management solution. Contact us at MMIT Business Solutions Group to learn more today!