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Scanning Slip-Ups: What Not to Scan

In the digital age of screenshots, copy-paste options, and scanning, the rules about what can be duplicated start to get a little blurry. Here are a few slip-ups to avoid when it comes to scanning!

Staying Savvy

While a document scanning mistake might not seem like such a big deal in a world where security breaches, network failures, and computer crashes exist, the truth is that you get into some sensitive legal territory when you set out to scan something. Certain things can be duplicated safely and legally, but other things, not so much. While it can be tricky to know what to scan and what not to scan, there are a few simple guidelines that can help you out.

Here are some “scanning slip-ups” to avoid in your workplace!

#1: Scanning copyrighted material

If you’re scanning something to avoid buying another copy or purchasing a usage license, you’ve stepped foot into complicated territory. It’s better to turn back so that your company doesn’t end up facing fines–or even a lawsuit. However, keep in mind that some copyrighted material can be used for educational purposes, provided that your use falls within the description of “educational purposes” and the owner of the copyright is allowing their material to be used in that way.

#2: Scanning cash

Non-cash money can be scanned–for example, checks. However, cash doesn’t belong anywhere near a scanner, and it can get you into a lot of trouble.

#3: Scanning government ID

While you’re safe to scan your personal ID, you should shut the scanner when it comes to government or military ID. As it turns out, it’s actually illegal to duplicate this type of identification–so you’re better off sticking to driver’s licenses and passports.

Looking for more scanning wisdom? Want to jump into scanning? Contact us today to get started!