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Scanning Your Archived Records? Here’s Where to Begin.

Does your organization have years of archived files in backrooms or off-site storage facilities? Maintaining these records is an ongoing challenge and one that may not be a high priority when you’ve got a business to operate.

To determine whether it’s time to do something about your archived documents, ask yourself the following questions.

  1. How accessible are your archived records when you need them?
  2. If given the task, could your staff locate a document in a reasonable amount of time?
  3. Have you ever given up a search because an archived document search was finally abandoned?
  4. Did consequences ensue after a document could not be located?
  5. Have you ever turned down a client’s request for records because it was too inconvenient or costly to search for them?

It’s Time for a Change

If you answered in the affirmative to any of the above questions, it’s time to consider scanning your archived records. Ignoring the issue indefinitely just exacerbates the problem, and while scanning years of backlogged files may seem daunting or perhaps even impossible, it’s better to begin now. Here’s how to start turning your stored documents into an asset instead of a liability.

1. Work in stages.

Finding the resources to scan years of old records is often problematic. The best way to proceed is to begin scanning small batches in stages. Even though the process will be slower than you’d like, you’ll still be working toward your goal. Our selection of desktop Canon scanners can help. 

2. Don’t add to the problem.

Scanning the documents that come through your door is critical if you want to continue making progress. By scanning new records into your document management system, you’ll be taking positive steps toward a fully digitized office and records.

Ready to learn more? Get in touch with us at MMIT Business Solutions to discover scanning equipment, apps, and other document solutions to help your business move forward.

Canon Des Moines