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5 Benefits of Managed Print Services for Nonprofit Organizations

Operating on a tight budget is a common thread for the majority of nonprofit organizations. Many nonprofits wrestle through tough organizational practices because they are unable to hire expert staff to manage and fulfill operations. This often results in overspending and unnecessary costs on organizations that don’t have much to work with. When a nonprofit does avoid overspending, they often invest in cheaper equipment or hold onto older devices that should be upgraded, which leads to inefficiency and eventually, overspending.

Managed Print Services

Managed Print Services (MPS) is a print solution that helps businesses and organizations tackle their print environments in an efficient and cost-cutting way. Many MPS providers have developed strategies specifically for nonprofit organizations, to meet their unique needs.

Here are five ways that Managed Print can benefit your business:

1. Cut Costs

An MPS provider will perform a thorough audit, examining your organization’s print environment. They will provide you with a report based on the details from the audit with factual insights and recommendations to save money or improve productivity. Nonprofits can cut print-related costs by up to 30% when they enlist MPS.

2. Create a Predictable Budget

MPS consolidates all your ordering to one location that serves your specific organization. This ensures that prices are consistent and honest, creating a more predictable budget for your group.

3. Optimized Equipment Use

Managed print services will offer solutions to your organization to help get the most out of your office equipment. Because of how expensive new devices are, MPS can help you use what you have to its highest potential.

4. Increased Efficiency

With the data collected during your print audit and through constant monitoring, MPS will offer solutions to ensure that your print environment is working as efficiently as possible.

5. Streamline Workflows

Most nonprofit organizations use a hefty amount of paper in their day-to-day functions. While some forms will inevitably remain in the form of paper documents, MPS helps nonprofits effectively manage paper by making it digital when possible. Digital documents are shared and stored much more efficiently, saving you time and money.

These are just a handful of the many benefits available to you with MPS. To learn more about how Managed Print Services can benefit your nonprofit, contact MMIT Business Solutions Group today!