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Tag: Managed Print Services

law firm

Managed Print and Your Law Firm—A Winning Combination

Documents may drive the legal industry, but there’s no reason to let them drive up costs as well. Legal firms absorb print spends as high as 13% of annual revenues—a figure that’s 7% more than the average for other industries. The Managed Print Services Strategy With so much at stake,

Businessman in cape saves the day

How Managed Print Saves the Day for IT Teams

If you’re responsible for your company’s IT department, you know how quickly print-related issues can eat into staff productivity. You’ve already got a full plate with security updates, backups, troubleshooting, and installing new equipment, and printer issues are just one more thing. You’re Not Alone If you’re ready to start

Man Being Pulled by a Huge Hand

Reign in Print Volumes with Managed Print

Unchecked printing habits can wreak havoc on budgets, but many business leaders have no idea of their true impact. Managed Print Services is an effective solution to reign in printing waste and reduce overall costs by as much as 30%. Here’s how a managed print strategy can put an end

Working towards success as a team

Strategies for Second-Generation Managed Print Success

Your Managed Print engagement has delivered a successful reorganization of your print infrastructure. Your print volumes are down, device downtimes are down, and happily, print-related costs are down as well. If you’re entering a second or third-generation Managed Print partnership, you may be wondering what other services your provider can

Girl crossing an elevated bridge

Is MPS the Productivity Driver You Need?

Efficiency is always a top priority in the workplace, especially as technology and a fast-paced world have increased the demands on modern businesses. Managers and C-level executives are always throwing around the idea of efficiency: how can we improve performance while maintaining quality? For most businesses, it can be difficult

Man Scratching his head

What’s Your Print Environment Costing You?

Many companies overlook their printing expenses, assuming that they’re just a necessary evil that can’t be changed or done away with. But if they knew the true cost of printing in their organization, they’d probably be more motivated to gain visibility and start reining in printing costs. There’s more involved

Cloud Security

Cloud Security: What to Ask Your Service Provider

There are a whole host of questions you should ask before you sign a managed services contract, especially if you’re concerned about security. When it comes to cloud security, you have every reason to be nosy: it’s vital that you protect your business data and ensure that your information will

Three workers sitting around a desk looking at documents

Don’t Let Paper Cuts Ruin Your Office Budget

Bear with us; we’re going to get “punny” here. You know when you get a paper cut? It’s the tiniest thing—sometimes you can’t even see it. You often get a paper cut in the blink of an eye, and all of the sudden, your skin is on fire. Even just

Time to Cut Cost graphic

How Managed Print Services Lowers Costs

There’s a significant expense lurking in your balance sheet that you probably don’t even know about. Your company likely spends a lot of time and money on financial reporting, measuring income and expenditures with clinical precision. But if recent surveys are correct, you’re probably among the majority that are missing

managed print

3 Benefits of Managed Print Services

If you’ve heard the buzz surrounding managed print services, you may be asking, “What can this solution do for me?” Managed print services aren’t just trendy, as evidenced by the many businesses flocking to it yearly. Here are a few of the many reasons why managed print services have become